Archive pour fashion

Bare Rose Tokyo

Posted in Places with tags , , on novembre 10, 2009 by sarahfhang

Okay okay, I am pretty sure that most of you already know this place but, hey, there maybe some newbie around who never heard of it so lets go. Most of the items crammed into the clothing file of my inventory come from the shop Bare Rose Tokyo.

 This more often than not heavily crowded fashion mall offers an unique and vast collection of outfits. Bare Rose fashion is colorful, highly imaginative and definitely exquisitely crafted. Whatever your style is you won’t leave this place empty handed: casual, goth, fantasy, sci fi or Japanese traditional, all genres collide and mix so just to be sure that what you are going to wear won’t be seen anywhere else.

I never bought anything there more than 180 lindens, often less than that and every outfit came into more than one colour and was loaded with highly detailed sculpted props. Yes, definitely the place where one can afford quality without smashing her piggy bank into pieces.